Colin Farrell

Colin Farrell is a 35 years old Irish Actor.
He was born in Castleknock, Dublin, Ireland, under the name Colin James Farrell.
Colin Farrell's birthday is May 31, 1976 & His star sign is Gemini.
His height is 5' 10" (1.78 m), He has a Brown - Dark hair & Hazel Eyes.
Colin Farrell's build is Athletic.
His list of relationships includes the names: Denise Richards, Amelia Warner, Demi Moore, Kim Bordenave, Maeve Quinlan, Josie Maran, Michelle Rodriguez, Britney Spears, Nicole Narain, Hazel Kaneswaran, Angelina Jolie, Salma Hayek, Rosario Dawson, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Tasha Nicole, Elle Macpherson, Lake Bell, Carmen Electra, Muireann Mcdonnell, Emma Forrest, Alicja Bachleda, Agyness Deyn.
He was married to Amelia Warner between 17 July 2001 - November 2001.
Here are the 5 most rated projects Colin Farrell appeared in: "Scrubs - Die Anfänger: My Lucky Charm (#4.14)" (2005), Brügge sehen... und sterben? (2008), Minority Report (2002), War Zone (1999), Crazy Heart (2009).
You voted these projects for His top 5: Minority Report (2002), Brügge sehen... und sterben? (2008), Nicht auflegen! (2002), Daredevil (2003), Alexander (2004).
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