Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Sheinside $100 Halloween Giveaway

This week I'm very excited to partner with Sheinside for a new giveaway! We're heading into prime shopping season as we pick new fall pieces--not to mention pseudo-Halloween gear (like skeleton sweaters and bat accessories!). I'm excited to start wearing my skeleton hand hair clip I got from Sheinside last year and I have my eye on a few new theme pieces that my closet seems to be lacking. The winner of this giveaway will receive a $100 voucher to Sheinside and a surprise lucky bag with their order too!
To Enter:
1) register on Sheinside
2) like the Sheinside Facebook page
3) leave the comment under this post and that's it! you're entered to win
*open to International readers, the winner will be drawn in one week and notified via e-mail


Boxed In

When my lease was up at my last house I moved rather than commit to another year-long lease; part one of my eventual move to Northern Ireland. The process of moving meant all of my belongings were boxed up and are now slowly being un-boxed at my new temporary home. Since I'm such an expert packer and box labeler (sarcasm) I'm finding clothes normally regulated to the back of my closet and having a nearly impossible time finding clothes that are more my default pieces. I spent a few hours turning boxes upside down to find a pair of shoes only to eventually find them in a box marked Christmas. As I said, I did a good job labeling things. Still, it's good in a way when it inspires me to pull out this Carven skirt which probably hasn't been worn in two years and these fun flats. I got the flats in college while in Europe on adventures with one of my good friends and still hang on to them because of the fond memories, but I don't wear them often because they're such a pain to lace. It'll be interesting to see what other treasures I uncover as I get through all the boxes.

Outfit details:
Carven skirt (old)
Zara flats (old, similar)
Modcloth purse (old, similar)

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Monday, September 29, 2014

My Everyday Makeup Routine

I don't really mix up my makeup routine very often, but when I dyed my hair blonde I did make a few alterations--adding in a highlighter (finally found one that works on super pale skin!) and a more nude lip color. It's not a big change, but since I occasionally get questions on my makeup I thought an updated post on my routine was in order. For me the focus is always my eyes (I can't remember the last time I went without winged eyeliner) so everything else is designed to work around that.

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She's a Rebel

I'm probably about the furthest thing from a rebel. I wasn't even a rebellious teenager. I got into a fights with my mother quite a bit but my acting out was minimal and I've always been afraid of authority figures. Even with some of the traditional trappings of rebels like my tattoos and pink hair I don't think I'm very convincing playing the part. But sartorially you're allowed to temporarily adopt these characters. You can put on a leather jacket, heavily apply the eyeliner and pretend to hang out under the bleachers with your gang, threaten to jump someone after school, etc. All my rebellious notions might come from episodes of Freak and Geeks and my anthem might be the retro super-poppy He's A Rebel sung by The Crystals...

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Sunday, September 28, 2014

You Are Seeing Spots

I love these landscape paintings dotted in colorful spots by artist David Pirrie. They're large-scale paintings, but they have such a playful quality it's hard to imagine them filling up a whole wall. via


Sunday Remix

Previous outfit posts: one, two, three, and four.
As I stated a couple of weeks ago--trench coats are a basic necessity in my closet. My most worn trench coat is a classic tan one, but I always have multiples in my closet. A few years ago I had a floral print trench coat and I still have a handy grey one, but right now my favorite might be this green one I got this past spring. It has a beautiful full skirt to it that works well with dresses and it has a lot of pretty details throughout--like little bows on the shoulders. I think there's a trench coat style for everyone and to me, even when they're brightly colored or patterned they evoke that classic Hollywood feel. I should do a round-up of the best trench coats in films someday...


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Weekend Wedding Planning: Just For Fun

*Kate Spade earrings
After a rather tiring week between re-location pains, visa stresses, and sorting out more wedding details it's rather nice to focus on some general wedding fluff. It's funny how you can't find the perfect wedding shoes but suddenly find yourself desiring all these other little bridal-related products that you absolutely do not need. It's also weird to think I will be a "Mrs" a some point in the future. Labels are weird and I hardly think of myself as a "Miss" now--I'm just Rebecca. But anyway, I kind of want those silly earrings.

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Friday, September 26, 2014

Style Crush: Harley Viera Newton

Harley Viera-Newton epitomizes to me the quirky-minimalist aesthetic. A lot of times when people think of minimal they think of very simple color palettes--stoic clothing without any embellishment or color. But for me minimalism means minimal; it means clean lines when you layer and a single statement accessory (also often on the small size, like a book clutch). Harley Viera-Newton definitely seems to prescribe to the same idea. Her outfits are always chic and stream-lined. I also like her signature long hair and red lips that remain consistent no matter the season.

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Paisley History

Remember this old favorite? I actually remixed this vintage dress in 2012 because I wore it so much that year, but since then it's been residing more in the back of my closet. Definitely a case of wearing something a little too often until you get sick of it; sort of like listening to the same song on repeat or watching the same television show too much which I can also be guilty of. I regularly purge my closet of pieces that aren't getting worn, but I make an exception for vintage pieces or items that I used to wear loads because there usually will come a time when I'm ready to bring it out and wear it again...

Outfit details:
vintage dress
Seychelles booties (old, similar)

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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Family Affairs SS 15

I know fashion weeks around the world have been happening and debuting fresh spring looks, but this year I've mostly been focused on fall collections which showed in February but are finally becoming appropriate! One exception is Family Affairs. I'm quite sad I wasn't able to make a studio visit this September to see Nina and the pieces in person, but the collection is still a stunner and I can't resist sharing a preview here. For the lookbook Nina collaborated with photographer Amber Bryne Mahoney who took these amazing polaroids of Tara Violet Niami.
The collection is inspired by "Ti Amo" or "eating peaches in the hammock, falling in love like a teenager, huge agave plants in Elba, white heat on the autostrada, being the first person at the bakery and grandma's white sheets in the Mediterranean sun..." As always Nina's descriptions are as evocative as her pieces and although it's barely fall it has me looking forward to summer and seeing her delicate prints up close and in person!

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